Find out more information on how you can help support
the on going work carried out at the Cathedral.


The Mission, Ministry and Maintenance of the Cathedral provide a financial challenge which we endeavour to meet as a worshipping community and by the donations of visitors, pilgrims and supporters.

Our major expenditure includes sizeable conservation work, day to day running costs and the provision of full time ordained ministry.


Current Fundraising Initiative: 

Verso Art

visit website to discover a charitable initiative of Lismore Cathedral CLG
to raise funds by selling original artwork donated by artists.
Date of art sale:  6th November 2021

You can also help us by making a single donation below.

All donations are gratefully received.

Bank Details

St. Carthages Cathedral
Allied Irish Bank, Lismore
Sort: 93­41­86
A/C: 56251­248

Paypal / Credit Card Donation

© ST. CARTHAGES CATHEDRAL 2020 | Built at Red Heaven Design
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